If you’re frustrated and want more love and better relationships in your life, the Love Made Easy Podcast will help you to awaken to possibilities you never dreamed of having.
As you listen to each episode, we'll serve as your guides so you see how to put all your relationship struggles behind you. With your new insights, you’ll start seeing new ways to show up that brings more love and fresh, new possibilities into all your relationships and life. This world could use more love and it starts with each one of us! All our love, Susie and Otto
EP69: 5 Judgments That Push Love Away
Here’s why judgments that we’re both aware of and those we aren’t are big-time blocks to the love, relationships and connection we want and how to stop judging those we love…
EP68: 12 Things We’ve Learned About How to Have a Happy Marriage, pt. 2
In this episode, we’re expanding on Episode 67 and sharing 6 more things we’ve discovered to be keys to creating a happy, healthy and more loving relationship or marriage.
EP67: 12 Things We’ve Learned About How to Have a Happy Marriage, pt. 1
This episode, recorded on our 23rd wedding anniversary is part 1 of 2, giving you some gems we’ve learned about having a happy, connected, loving marriage which is possible for everyone…
EP66: When You Feel Trapped, Stuck and Don’t Know Which Way to Turn…
When you feel trapped, stuck in love or in your life and don’t know what to do or which way to turn, what do you do? Here’s how to free yourself from your trap so there’s more love and peace in your life…
EP65: How We “Numb Out” in Love and Life
Listen in as we talk about why (and how) we numb out, the problems it creates and some good reasons for making your patterns of numbing out a thing of the past for more love in your life.
EP64: Dealing With Bullies in Love and Life
In this episode, we’re exploring bullies–the many forms of bullying and how to not only deal with them in all types of relationships but also have more peace and love for yourself and for the other person.
EP63: You Love Each Other But Want Different Things
When you love each other but want different things, it can erode your connection. Here’s a healthier way to navigate those differences and a path to better communication and deeper love…
EP62: How to Have a Fresh Start in Every Moment
Most of us would like to have a do-over when things go wrong in our relationships. Here’s how to get that fresh start with love and kindness for each other in every moment no matter the circumstance…
EP61: Healthy VS Unhealthy Self-Love
Whether your self-love is healthy or unhealthy can determine your success and happiness in your relationships and life. Listen to our discussion about what healthy self-love really is…
EP60: Finding Your Resilience When Life Gets Hard
When life knocks you down, it can be difficult finding your way up. Here’s how to find the resilience that’s always inside you when you can’t feel it or see it and begin re-creating your life…
EP59: Resolving a Relationship Control Drama
The battle for relationship control hurts, damages and destroys far too many relationships. Here’s how to resolve those conflicts for greater connection and deeper understanding…
EP58: How To Know if Your Relationship is Worth Saving
Everyone has relationship challenges from time to time and sometimes they become so big you wonder “Is this worth saving?” To help you get clarity, listen to this podcast…