[Video] How to Make Love Stronger After an Ugly Moment

If you’re in an intimate relationship, even though you’ve wanted to make love stronger, you’ve probably experienced times when one or both of you have reacted in ways–big or small–that are ugly, uncomfortable and end up tearing down trust between the two of you.

In this video, we share the story about a really UGLY moment that happened in the early days of our relationship and how we bounced back from it to create even more closeness and connection…

You’ll love this video for two reasons…

Not only is it pretty embarrassing for us to reveal this but it really happened and it’s got a big lesson in the story for you about how you can bounce back from an UGLY moment with the one you love…

If you’re interested in more practical tips like these when your relationship has gone south, go here to find out more Trust Triggers…

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