Just Be Love

To a lot of people it might seem like the land of magic and fairy tales to suggest that everyone’s lives and their relationships would be so much better if they just did one thing.

And that is…

Just be love.

If you want to have better relationships…

Just be love.

In good times and bad, show up from a place of love more and more of the time.

If you want to be more successful in business and life…

Just be love…

To your customers, your coworkers and partners and also the people you want to do business with.

If you want to have a better community, city, town, country and a better world…

Each and every one of us has got to start showing up more and more of the time and…

Just be love.

Being love in action, in as many moments as possible…

Even when we’re tempted to show up and be harsh and critical…

Is a cornerstone to creating the world that you, us and almost everyone alive wants to create but seems to have gotten lost right now.

But what if you think you’re being a victim or doormat if you choose love in certain circumstances?

And because of this, you might rebel and resist this idea of showing up as a bigger, bolder and better example of love with a certain person.

You might say, “I’m not going to be a victim any longer”

And so you tighten up, put up barriers and forget how to love in moments where it’s critical to show up as love.

Now we’re not saying that there aren’t times when your wisdom tells you to remove yourself from an unsafe situation…

Or times that your wisdom tells you to leave a relationship.

That can actually be loving yourself as well as the other person.

We are saying that if you carry around a victim belief, you cut yourself off from not only situations and people but from hearing your own wisdom that’s there to guide you.

Susie remembers at times in the past feeling like a victim when Otto used a certain tone of voice that she made up stories around.

She thought he was being demeaning when this happened, especially around technical computer issues, and that he thought she was “stupid” for not fixing whatever the problem was.

When those thoughts came up inside her that she believed to be true (because she thought the same thing)…

Her automatic reaction was to tighten, pull away and get angry with him–and to be a victim.

Of course, he reacted with anger too as his “victim” reared its ugly head as well and nothing got solved…

Until we saw the damage that was happening and that there was another way.

When Susie saw the situation in a different light, past her preconceived ideas of what his tone of voice meant…

She reacted from love as did Otto.

When she got curious about what was going on inside him instead of railing once again about his “tone of voice”…

He stopped and saw that he was unsure how to handle the computer issue himself and his insecurity came out as superiority.

We both then were able to calm down and show up as love.

So many times, we are all tempted to be critical or to shut down when curiosity and kindness are really what’s called for.

Today, we invite you to just be love, even in small ways to yourself and others…

And see how life just keeps getting better when you do.

If you have a question about how this might work in your life, contact us here…

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