When to trust your gut instincts in relationships…

It can really be confusing when you feel something just isn’t right but you’re not sure whether to trust your gut instincts feeling–or not.

So you might pull away to guard yourself from what might happen without really knowing the truth or …

You might try to pretend to yourself and others that everything’s fine or as good as it can be and go on with your life.

But that niggling feeling keeps coming up.

The truth is that we’re guided by our gut instincts all the time without being aware of it.

Sometimes we just move or speak and we don’t know why. It just happens and the urge comes from a place deep inside us.

But when there’s a strong emotion around a particular issue, we question where these gut instincts are coming from and we wonder whether we can trust them or not.

The question is…

“Am I making up untrue stories out of fear or is there really something my gut is trying to tell me?”

For instance, if you find that jealousy comes up at the worst times when you just want to enjoy yourself…

You might wonder whether your gut is trying to tell you something or if your mind is just playing tricks on you–again.

You might wonder if that voice that’s telling you something like this…

“He’ll leave me” or “She wants someone else”

Is this telling the truth or making up lies?

One of the tricks to knowing whether your gut is really talking to you and you need to pay attention or it’s your fear and insecurity talking is this…

Understand the difference in those inner voices.

Your fear and insecurity come from thoughts that play over and over in your mind.

Maybe this fear comes from past experiences and maybe it comes from “waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop” thinking.

Wherever it comes from, this is mind chatter and it gets us revved up, drowning out our true gut instincts–our inner wisdom.

The two of us have found that by not focusing on the chatter and allowing it to pass on through without giving it more life…

We can actually hear that true, small voice inside which we’re calling our gut instincts or our wisdom.

It’s that voice that you listen to.

The one that says slow down and pay attention to what’s actually happening in this present moment and not what you’re afraid will happen.

Every time you slow down and pay attention to that inner voice, it does get louder.

It does get easier to allow thoughts and feelings to pass through without attaching meaning to them and allow yourself to listen to what your gut instincts are telling you.

Awhile back, Susie’s grandson was going back to college and she had invited him to lunch so she could spend some time with him before he left.

He cancelled their lunch together and when he did, the thought rolled through her head that he didn’t want to be with her and she immediately felt hurt.

But then when she allowed that thought and those feelings to flow through, her gut instincts told her that he needed time for himself before his academic year started again–and it wasn’t about her.

She could just send him off with love instead of putting up a barrier between the two of them.

Your gut instincts are guiding you in every moment and the question is this…

Are you listening to mind chatter or your true inner voice?

If you have a question about figuring out which voice to listen to or want to talk with one of us, contact us here…

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