Finding Hope when Fear, Dread and Uncertainty Are Running Rampant…

It doesn’t take much looking these days to find something that could strike fear in the hearts of any one of us…

Everywhere we go (and were assuming for you too), people are fearful…

-About the Coronavirus as it spreads and the difficulty in finding hand sanitizer and masks

-About the stock market plunging and retirement funds shrinking

-The uncertainty of the upcoming USA election and what it means if your preferred candidate gets elected (or doesn’t)

And of course fears in your own life like…

-A relationship that lacks trust or is just plain dull

-A job that isn’t what you want

-Your kids having trouble finding their way in life or…

-Bills that don’t seem to be going away.

While all this may be truly be happening, here’s a radical thought for these uncertain times…

You don’t have to participate in the fear.

Even though it may seem glib to say…

You can make a choice about how you want to go through life.

You can make a choice to not participate in the angst, whether it’s global or personal.

You can find inner peace and live from that place.

But you’re probably shaking your head right now and asking how can you do that when it’s all around us and we’re living with it every minute of the day–or so it seems…

After all…

You don’t want to put your head in the sand and pretend that there’s nothing to pay attention to.

You don’t want to ignore common sense or your inner wisdom when faced with life challenges

And you don’t want to avoid facing REAL issues in your life or the world.

So, how do you find your stability and calm in scary, uncertain times?

Here are 3 ways to find peace when anxiety and fear are high and the future is uncertain…

1. Look at where you’re focusing your attention

Don’t add to collective fear with your thoughts and stories. Make a conscious choice about where you’re going to focus your attention and what you’re going to spread. Instead of fear, spread kindness and love.

2. Find a place inside you where you’re unaffected by outward circumstances

This doesn’t mean you disengage from your life or what you feel drawn to do.

It does mean to make a choice to stop worrying for a few moments to look within.

When you do, you’ll catch a glimpse of a calm place that’s waiting for all of us even when we cover it over with fear.

3. Consider the possibilities of a brighter future and actually plan for it

In essence, look in the opposite direction that most people are looking.

Make your focus on finding the peace and comfort that reside inside all of us (even in uncertain times).

You’ll have better relationships and life if you do and you’ll make much better decisions if they come from calm rather than fear.

Have a question about how to find more peace in your life? Contact us here…
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