Being Love at 78 or Any Age

“You’re better looking than you were in high school!”

When Paul, the most popular boy in our high school class, said this at my 60th class reunion recently, I wasn’t sure if it was a slam or a compliment.

So I had to ask myself this question–Why did he think I was better looking at 78 than at 16 or 17 years old?

My husband, Otto, says the difference is that now I have an inner and outer radiance and beauty that is very attractive and obvious that people notice.

Maybe he’s a bit biased so here’s what I came up with…
It’s who I am being at age 78 as opposed to who I was being during high school.

During high school and college, I struggled to find out who I was. I tried on different personas and remember feeling that I really didn’t know what I stood for or believed in and had no confidence in myself. I just seemed to follow what and who others thought I was.

After 78 years, I know that I’m here in this lifetime to love, to be loved, to be of service and to uplift whoever I’m with. Sometimes I do that better than other times. I have confidence and believe that wisdom flows through me when I allow it.

I’m guessing in those quick seconds that Paul made his observation, he saw much more than the outward changes in my body. My intuition tells me that what he really saw were the inward changes I’d made, along with the decisions that have come from a huge desire to do what it takes to keep my body and my mind healthy.

Will we have another high school class reunion and will there be even more healing and insights that come from it?
I have no idea.

But one thing I do know is that who I am being right now as I head into my 79th year is someone willing to look at each circumstance and interaction in my life with curiosity and openness to see what I can learn.

And it’s to be aware of where my energy is in every moment and make that precious choice of who I am being-love or fear.

When I take my daily walk in my neighborhood hoping that the older gentleman isn’t sitting outside so I don’t have to stop and chat…

Who Am I Being? Am I Being Love?

When I listen with an open heart to a friend who’s frustrated with her nursing students who seem to be not taking their training seriously

Who Am I Being? Am I Being Love?

When I believe thoughts that I’m feeling excluded or not appreciated and pull away

Who Am I Being? Am I Being Love?

When I feel superior to someone who disagrees with me over something I feel strongly about

Who Am I Being? Am I Being Love?

When I love my husband instead of trying to fix him when he’s struggling with emotional challenges

Who Am I Being? Am I Being Love?

The good news is that “being” is a choice and it’s one made from fear or love.

And it’s always a choice I can make in every moment to choose love.

This life is very precious and I intend to make the most of every moment!

So my question to you is this…

Who are you being right now, in this present moment?

It’s always your choice to be in fear or in love.

If you’d like to talk with me about choosing love more of the time, contact me here…

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