You're signed up for "Your 2020 Game Plan for Better Love and a Better Life" No-Charge Webinar...
Thanks for signing up for our free webinar on Tuesday, January 7 at 8pm Eastern.
We'll be using Zoom and here's all the info you need to join us either live or the replay...
Topic: Fresh Start 2020 Preview Webinar
Time: Jan 7, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 248 960 138
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Meeting ID: 248 960 138
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aiJuyS2JG
If you're new to Zoom, you'll need to either download an app called "Zoom Cloud Meetings" to your device or click on "Launch application" after you've clicked on the above link to download and install the application to your computer.
We look forward to connecting with you there.
Much love, Susie and Otto Collins